
About Me

I'm Jessica. Here I am in front of a wall. This is what a good blogger picture looks like, right?

No really, I'm so excited that you are here visiting my blog! I love to sew many things, but mainly quilts and clothes for my kids. Maybe you do too, or maybe just one or the other. Maybe the quilt lovers and mommy designers can find common ground here.

I live in Cincinnati, OH with my husband Nick and two kids Hendrix and Elsie. I work in an adorable fabric shop called Sewn Studio. I sew almost every night after bedtime while something like Arrested Development or the Colbert Report keeps me company in the background. I'm the new vice president of the Cincinnati Modern Quilt Guild, which is pretty much a super-exclusive and luxurious club that only the coolest can join. (Not really, you are totally invited!)

My blog is called "A Little Gray" for a couple of reasons. My mother taught me to use her old sewing machine just a few years ago when I couldn't find curtains I liked and decided to make my own. Then she said I could keep that machine and I just continued to teach myself how to make things. (Thank you interwebs.) Then I got pregnant with my son and wanted to make everything I could think of for him. His name is Hendrix Gray, the Gray part comes from my mother because that was her maiden name. So I decided to name this little blog after my two biggest inspirations.

I like to make new virtual friends so don't be shy if you hang out here! Contact me at