
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lions at the Class Picnic

After a little sewing break, I started on something for ME! But then I royally screwed it up and it's now waiting for a date with my seam ripper. So then I decided to make something for Elsie, since she only got one little ol' dress out of the whole PR&P deal. I was very glad to just follow a pattern- no drafting, altering or major design decisions involved. It's the Class Picnic blouse and shorts pattern from Oliver & S. This pattern is making the rounds lately, especially the shorts. It's easy to see why, because no matter what fabric you make them in, they are undoubtedly the cutest shorts ever.

For the shorts I just used Robert K's indigo denim from Sewn. It's so nice to sew with. I wanted these to be basic and go with everything, but next time I'll try a fun contrasting fabric on the trim, or even Cindy's awesome ruffle variation. (See, I can get down with some ruffles!) Don't know why the shorts look puckered on the right here. They aren't, promise.

The top is Ed Emberly's Lions from Cloud 9, which I got here. Apparently, they only have 133 yards of it left, so act fast! I might have to go back and get those dragons soon too. I used a contrasting green front yoke with white piping underneath.

The blouse is perfect for our Elsie, who growls like an animal ALL DAY LONG. It's weird. And precious.


  1. I LOVE Oliver +S patterns, they always turn out perfect! I am definantly going to have to get this short pattern, so cute!

  2. oh that shirt and those lions are sooooo cute!!! I think I am going to have to finally break down and buy some of that Ed Emberly's collection...i was actually just talking about it this morning...and now this is making me really "need" it!!

  3. Meow! Love this! And those shorts are totally adorable in denim. Chambray would be great too. Violet loves to growl all day too, either pretending to be a ferocious animal, a monster, or Animal from the muppets. Lol. Rawr!!!

  4. This is way too cute!! I love that little tummy. :)

  5. Love it, and the lions are perfect for your little growly girl. :)

  6. Both my girls like to be dogs all day long. Generally, they're pretty sweet dogs... until I slip up and have the audacity to call them by their human names. Maybe I'll have to find some cute dog fabric... :)

  7. I'm loving everything about the whole outfcit, the fabric, the contrast, the denim. Great job Jess!

  8. I love those shorts, I love that top, and I love your little banshee/lioness. RAWR!

  9. Those shorts look great! So cute and comfy!

  10. Killing me! She is so cute, and her new outfit is super fun. I bought some of the lions for my (now) nephew, who also likes to growl all the time. maybe we should get those two crazy kids together. ;)

  11. Wow, I love this! Just found your blog and I'm so inspired... thanks x

  12. Ah-dorable! Yes, those shorts are perfection. Love the top too!

  13. This is super super cute! My 18-month old makes the same noise for every animal - it's either a bark or a roar, but it's so funny when he talks to the puppets on Baby Einstein!

  14. and that it looks like you bought both pieces from target or gymboree, is astounding to me! so so cute!


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