
Monday, July 30, 2012

Sew in Tune- A Radiohead Robe. Kind of.

Hey guys, today I'm over at Stacey's for the fun Sew in Tune series, talking about how I made this robe for Hendrix and my love of Radiohead. Check out my post here. 

If you don't go for me, go so you can leave a comment and enter the giveaway for Melissa's (MellySews) new ebook of patterns for boys, Blank Slate Patterns. I am SO EXCITED to get my hands on these patterns. I think the concept is brilliant. They really are blank basics that can be customized however you like, which I think is exactly what we who sew for boys need! But basic as they are, they are very stylish and look to have a great modern fit. I truly think you could buy this ebook and be set on making your boy's wardrobe from 18 mo to 8 yrs. It always makes me so happy to see talented women like Melissa stepping out in bravery and making their talent a business. You go girl. Just kidding, I don't say that. Except for right now. 

Hope you have a happy Monday! I'll be attempting to baste a quilt. With pins. Yikes. 


  1. You're in for the loooong haul with pins. Many blessings! And, do report ;)

  2. Yes! Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing something to my kids by making them listen to Radiohead, The Cure, and The National too much....I think they need something with a minotaur on it now. Or a shirt that says "creep". Ok, maybe not that one. lol

    I like how the chevron was transformed on the bias. Neat!

  3. Now I've got that song in my head. Awesome. Thank you for that! The robe is adorable. ;) I hope your pirate patch has been removed. Pinning might be difficult without depth perception...

  4. I love that you picked this song, the robe is so cute! Ever since you mentioned you were posting this, I've had The Bends on repeat. You keep doing this to me...before it was the Drive soundtrack. Anywho, I think I fixed my blogger profile so I'm not a "no-reply" anymore...give it a try and let me know if it worked. ;)

    Also, did you not pin baste before? What's going on here?

  5. the robe is lovely and such... but will you tell me if i show up as a no-reply commenter? i think i just updated my profile to google plus and i'm too confused to figure it out ;)

  6. i love radiohead! i love the robe! i love lamp! ;)

  7. Are you kidding me anonymous??! You left me a spam comment! You can't ask for any favors. I should just leave a comment on this post every hour for the benefit of your inbox. At least blogger was smart enough to recognize you as spam and not post your comments.

  8. Hey, Melvie! Guess what, girl. I received a comment the other day from our friend, Producent Odziezy Dzieciecej! I think she meant to send it to you, though, because she mentions your lovely freckles (I, too, think they’re beautiful. Don’t you dare cover them with makeup!).

    Anyhoo, I’m pasting the comment below for you. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t forward Producent’s note to its intended recipient? Not a very good one, for sure!


    P.S. Not that it’s any of my business, but I hope you guys work out whatever is going on between you. It sounds like you’re drifting a little...

  9. Oops, I forgot the note! Gosh, what a silly billy I am, right?? So sorry for the multiple posts! Here it is:

    I remember reading an interview you had done many years ago and my heart ached because I could feel your pain. Today I had a random thought, what happened to that girl? I ended up here reading your wonderful writing and full of hope for you. What a tremendous journey you have taken Jennie! We should never regret our past, it’s what made us who we are. It sounds like you have some great ideas how how to deal with the picking, I do that too when I’m anxious. I make sure to wear no makeup and try to see my freckles and scars so I’m reminded to stop. BTW, I love your freckles, I hope you never cover them up! Love and Peace, Rachel

  10. Calming Therapy
    A small haiku for Melvin
    With e-mails times four

  11. Dear Melvin,
    When I get a little angry, I tend to cover my kitchen with cleaning foam and scrubscrubscrub! Maybe that will help when you get all of these emails!

  12. Dear Melvin,
    I find reading emails very theraputic, how nice it would be if I were to get multiples of the same email, to increase how calm it makes me!
    Hope you feel the same way ;)

  13. No you shut up. I'm a terrible busy man.

  14. I'm a reasonable man, get off my suitcase.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. How inspiring of this you write. I never until now considered how beautifully calming foam can be. I maybe smartly think t hat years from now when the world transpires with such curiousity on the subject of foam, we will always remember you, Melvin. You not unlike woman gaga are a true inspiration to all who seek therapy and strive towards weight losd.

  17. Dearest Melvin,
    How do you stop getting four emails from every commenter, good question, let's see, uhhhh . . . . DELETED!
    - Strongbad

  18. Dear Melvin the Magnificent,

    Have you heard about the best and greatest foam that Tenacious D has for sale?? It's reported to remove shiny demons AND spammers once every hundred thousand years!! Of course, this comment is just a tribute 'cause all my anxiety caused me to forget what the best and greatest foam is.


  19. Dearest Melvin,

    Good day!

    I am Mr Dan Maha director auditing and accounting department for bank of Africa (boa) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso .I discovered the sum of seven million, two hundred thousand dollars (us $7.2) belonging to a deceased customer of this bank. The fund has been lying in a suspense account without anybody coming to put claim over the money since the account owner late, Mr Salla khat from Lebanese who was involved in the December 28th 2006 Benin car crash.

    It is therefore, upon this discovery that I decided to take this ultimatum and make this business proposal to you as the fund will be released to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill. The banking rules here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after five years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the deceased customer was a foreigner and a Burkina cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

    Therefore, I am soliciting for your assistance to come forward as the next of kin. I have agreed that 10% of this money will be for you, as the beneficiary respect of the provision of your account and service rendered, 90% will be for me. Then immediately the money transferred to your account from this bank, I will proceed to your country for the sharing of the fund. Call me through my telephone number: +226 75376152.

    Yours faithful,
    Mr Dan Maha

  20. Dear Melvin, Did you ever notice that sometimes squishy lovelyness goes on in forever. I find that kind of gaga very calming. Sometimes even sleepy news gets to my pillow first for some times. Thanks for sharing so much.

  21. This is hilarious! I'm talking about melvin, not your sewing.

  22. Greetings Melvin. Your writings on the foamnasium are most excellent. I want to being share my favorite of the calming technique for you! The sexually arts so fulfillingly calm the spirits, do you not tell? Are you having no pleasure? The secrets to the pleasure have been uncovered firstly here! Come to my link my dear for size which can not be having anywhere else
    #################### calmtasticpleasures .com ##############

  23. Because I heard you appreciate fine writing, dearest Melvin, I prepared a poem for you:

    Roses are red
    Blogs are Gray
    We'll force feed you SPAM
    To see that you pay

  24. chopped pork shoulder meat, with ham meat added, salt, water, modified potato starch as a binder, and sodium nitrite as a preservative.

  25. The reasonable man, suitcase comment should win. Just sayin'.

    Dear, Melvin the magnificent,
    Please to have your company on this post. Reading comments like yours makes my heart bursting with happiness. Not unlikely happiness found in other places.
    fondly, me

  26. Good morning Melvin. Best of luck!

  27. I do not pretend to be able to properly speak with someone who uses words with such eloquence and clarity, such as yourself Melvin. But I just had to tell you how I admire you for your wide variety of pursuits. Foam, calming therapy, weight loss secrets? Amazing. I take my hat off to you and can't wait to see what you will master next.

  28. dear Melvin... the following is a comment i received recently that i thought you might find helpful!

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    happy spamming,

  29. Dear melvin...l

    You have SUCH a cool job.

    Said no one ever.

  30. Totally singing High and Dry in my head now, although if Melvin were here, I'd sing it aloud, very loud!

  31. Dear Melvin,

    Starbucks probably pays better than spam companies. And they have great benefits. Just a tip.

    Mrs. Martin

  32. My Dearest Melvie,
    Your so hot! What are you wearing? What is your phone #? What time will you be home? When do you eat dinner? I'd love to call and chat with you about (insert inappropriate topic) and mostly interrupt your personal private time just as so may phone solicitors do to me. It would be great if you could find my blog and send me some of your fun (crappy) spam. I know we could be blog besties! Please know that I will forever hold you in my heart, even if I can't hold you in my feet.
    Mmmmm this was good for me! How bout you?
    Forever yours,
    Anastacia Beaverhousen


  34. i laughed so hard i almost peed my pants! i hope you are enjoying all of your spam melvin! xoxoxo

  35. i'm dying to know if you are super pissed! ;)

  36. Duderiic, dude. Later, Melvin.

  37. melvin? R u there?

  38. Dear Melvin, If you send me a million dollars, I'll send you a ticket for the next Super Lotto - almost guaranteed to win.


Thanks so much for your comments-I LOVE to hear from you, so speak up! And I usually reply in email to your questions, so make sure your profile has your email.