
Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Family Weekend

This weekend my parents were in town visiting from Tennessee. I love getting to see my parents, and HG was also very excited to have quality time with Nana and Grandpa. We ate good food, we shopped, we watched movies. (We made them watch Once last night and they really liked it- how cool are they?)

If you live in Cincinnati you can probably relate to this- when visitors from out of town come, it usually means a trek up 75 for a marathon afternoon of Ikea and Jungle Jim's, the most amazing grocery store ever. Really, calling it a grocery store is quite an understatement. It's more like a magical foodie wonderland, something that everyone who likes to consume nourishment should experience.

And visiting those 2 places, for me, also means spending a little money I did not intend to spend.

"Yeah, I don't need anything, but we can definitely go to Ikea if you want. It will be fun."

"What? This set of cookie cutters shaped like woodland animals is only $1.99! I must have it."

"How did I end up spending more money than you guys? Yes, I will take a big blue plastic bag please."

I am weak.

My most beloved purchase of the day is this little $4 succulent and pretty white pot. I have wanted a succulent. Now I have a succulent. 

I love love love having plants in the house, but I kill them. I am under the impression that these are easier to take care of. If you also enjoy these, you should look around here.

And of course, I can never walk away empty handed from the fabric corner. I love that Ikea has so many great gray choices, because no one else does. This origami animal print is brand new and I'm smitten with it. I have no idea what I'll make with it, but it will be very cool. 

Now I'm going to drink wine and eat European cheeses and jams from the jungle. Happy VDay everyone.


  1. I love that fabric, you always find such great selections!!

  2. Haha my brother totally works at Jungle Jims (in the seafood dept). Michael had never been before, so over Christmas we took him although my favorite part, the singing Elvis, wasn't he still didn't manage to get the *complete* experience! That place is definitely a fun way to spend an afternoon!

  3. Jess, We also had a wonderful weekend and fun at Ikea and Jungle Jim and of course with our very precious Hendrix, and oh yeah, you and Nick too. I, as you know, am not a good shopper either, too indecisive and that's why I bought zucchini and walnuts in Cincinnati. Sure was fun though! Love you, Mom


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