
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wanting to Work with Wood lately...

Here are three DIY projects that I saw on Ohdeedoh just today that make me wish I didn't suck so bad with a drill. Oh, and also make me covet a garage and some manly tools to go with it.

This Merry Go Round book caddy might be the cutest book organization ever. We have serious book chaos in our house. You will step on a Sandra Boynton if you spend any time here.

One of the best and simplest night-stand-turned-play-kitchens I've seen. I've already decided HG is getting a play kitchen for Christmas, and hopefully it will be one we DIY instead of one we buy. Too early to make any commitments though, so don't hold me to that one.  :)

And this kid chair is made out of two thrifted picture frames! GENIUS!! This one actually looks pretty easy to do, maybe I'll be attempting soon. Just add it to the list of a gazillion projects I want to try.


  1. Awesome! Thank you for posting these!! I've been looking for diy play kitchen. I live 2 minutes away from my parents and am going to have to go use my dad's tools in the near future. Yay!

  2. 1. I love the BElly Button Book
    2. Merry go round organizer is cute, but we (probably like you) would need 25 of them :-)
    3. LOVE that chair!! Really, that's 2 frames. I need 3 STAT. haha.

  3. Every one of those ideas is adorable...I love the frame chair idea! I hope you try one (or more) of these ideas. :)

  4. Hendrix is a boy who would enjoy a kitchen, I just know it. This one is very unique and fun, I'm trying to think if I have any furniture I could donate to be recycled.



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