
Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Only Child

I get more excited every single day to meet our little girl. I really can't wait to hold her and kiss her and put a face on her. It's going to be the best ever. But I'm also realizing that this last month of pregnancy is someone's last month as our only kid, our favorite little boy. We are savoring the days together. It's weird how we can't imagine loving another little person as much as we do him. We know it's going to happen, it's just hard to imagine. And it's going to be pretty great. 


  1. We are right there with you, so very excited. Hendrix will be a great big brother, and I will be Nana to 4!

  2. ahhh, the wait is tough. I like schedules:) good luck with everything!

  3. Oh, that is so exciting! Congrats! I think it is best to not have only children! :)

  4. You have it right-it is going to be great!! The more the merrier! You will have so much fun watching them interacting. Seriously, even when they fight it's fascinating to me.

  5. We never thought we could love another child and then we were surprised with number 2! And in the words of my SIL your heart just gets bigger with more love to give! We now have 4 and our hearts overflow. Enjoy this last month with your only! Congrats and I love your blog!

  6. Goodness, I remember that feeling all too well. And it doesn't seem possible to love someone else that much, but it does happen. It's surprising and powerful and great. Enjoy your last days of just the three of you.

  7. SO exciting!!!!! You're so close!



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