
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To MacGyver Some Cupcake Toppers (or fun with Post-its)

I don't know if I mentioned we were having a party for H's second birthday this past Sunday. Well, we did and it was super-fun for the all the kids because it was at a nice playground on a sunny day and there were pizza and cupcakes. What more does a kid need?

Me, being very much with child, I did not have huge amounts of energy or expectations for cutesy extras surrounding said party. But, in my mind a kid's party at least needs some kind of banner marking the honoree, and something dressing up the tops of the cupcakes. Those two simple things go a long way in dressing up the celebration, so that was really all I attempted in that vein.

Lacking money as well as energy, I was determined to use only things I had on hand already. I went to print out some cupcake topper freebies, only to discover I needed new ink cartridges. Hmm, not going to spend $50 on that this weekend. So I came up with this little Post-it note version, which worked well with his favorite colors green and orange.

With the sticky part on the left side, insert your toothpick in between as you fold the paper down. I cut a little length off. I then added stickers that spelled out "happy birthday."

Turns out, Sunday was WAY too windy to set cupcakes out on a nice display or even bother with my little flags, so we just kept them in the box. Turns out, cupcakes are still delicious without any paper decor on top. Oh well, I still thought it was a good idea when you don't have access to a printer.

Obviously, it was also much to windy to hang up a banner outdoors, but luckily I only made it say "Hendrix" and nothing pertaining to his birthday, so maybe I'll still put it in his room for a while.

Yesterday, he and I had a little more fun with the pad of post-its. It's almost like he was trying to make a message.... crazy huh?  :)

Moral: When crafty cutesy plans fall through, it doesn't really matter. Also, sometimes it's fun to stick paper all over the wall. (Like this.)


  1. Hey! So, you don't know me but I'm the Jessica who's son's name is Hendrix that you commented about on a crafty blog a year or so ago. Just wanted to say I love your blog and of course I love your son's name! ;)

  2. That is such a great idea! Next time I'm in a bind I'm totally making those! You did well not to over exert yourself Mrs. Preggy McPreggerson. Hendrix is lucky that you still wanted to make his day special and not just sleep all day :)

    PS That video was awesome.

    PPS There is another Jessica with a son named Hendrix? What are the chances of that?



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