
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Chevron Pinwheel Baby Quilt

... designed by me!

One slow afternoon when I was at work by myself, I had been staring at the Half Moon Moda fabrics long enough that this design floated into my head. 

It's a 44" square baby quilt with mostly Half Moon Moda fabrics plus a Pezzy Print and the green vines from Peacock lane. It's a super simple design and the chevrons are really the star. I think the bright colors are great for baby boys or girls. My boss came up with the name "Chevron Pinwheel," which I like a lot. I was inspired by Kristin's starfish quilt for the quilting. 

This is actually the first time I've pre-designed a quilt myself, like with math and everything. I've made up a few as I went along, but this feels a bit more official.

Here it is in the shop window. We made up 20 kits with all the fabrics required for the quilt top, although a few have sold. These chevrons are hard to find now, and although Riley Blake released a new line of chevrons with lots of great colors, I like the dramatic scale of these a bit more. We don't have an online store ready just yet, but if you are dying for one of these kits, we'll send you one. Find the phone number here. 

I'm having a really hard time focusing on my Project Run and Play designs. This contest is already proving to be a bit of a creative and emotional roller coaster... and it's hasn't even started! Send me your good vibes to get a lot accomplished tonight. Or just send ritalin and chocolate. 


  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. "like with math and everything" - Love it! So fun - good for you!!

  3. I LOVE this quilt! I saw it at Sewn the other day and couldn't wait for the kit so I improvised with some other fabrics. It's a fantastic quilt. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  4. Great job, Jessica! And good luck with PR+P. You'll be awesome!!

  5. I love it! The bright colors are fantastic and I can't imagine a young child who wouldn't be drawn in by the design and bold colors. I can't wait to see your PR&P stuff! - Cherie

  6. Yes!! When I saw "pinwheel" and "chevron" together I inwardly gasped. Lol!

    Keep up your spirits ala PRP. You are going to do great! I'm really excited to see what you're working on. This contest is seriously more exciting to me now than project runway.

  7. So much awesomeness! I love the big chunky cuts of fabric. So very cool

  8. It looks great!

    You'll do great in PR&P! Keep focused and remember that it's all about the experience, not the win. You'll make some great things!

  9. It looks awwwwesome! I'm SO flattered you used my quilting as inspiration, too! Thanks, lady! And you're going to be awesome at PR&P, but I TOTALLY understand the mix of emotions. I sometimes had trouble really diving into projects until I was super inspired. Try taking lots of showers to let ideas come. And listen to Mozart. ;)

  10. oh i love the quilting and the pattern is awesome! great job jessica!

    good luck with your kiddo sewing! i believe in you, you are an amazing sewer, you will knock it out of the park!

  11. awesome design! And now I know where are those yellow pezzies went that I was looking for yesterday!

  12. Love it! I just got a yard of those riley blake chevrons yesterday and the base cloth is really thin, almost see-through.

  13. The quilt is fantastic! I love the colors and the chevrons.

    Good luck with the PRP!!!

  14. Cute design! I hope you got some of that chocolate you needed =)

  15. It is such a fun quilt! I agree; the scale of the Half Moon chevrons is so giant compared to the RB ones. And good luck on your designs! I know you'll succeed, J. You're awesome!

  16. Hermoso diseƱo!!
    Me ha encantado descubrir su blog.
    Saludos desde Tandil, Argentina.

  17. I love this! Is there anyway I could get the pattern...I'm not good at all the math and stuff! :)

  18. I love this quilt! Is there anyway I can get the pattern? I'm not good with the math and stuff! ;)


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