
Saturday, May 26, 2012

I Work In a Pretty Place

You heard me talk a lot about Sewn Studio during the contest, but I don't think I've ever shown you much of it. (You'll have to excuse the sorry iPhone pictures, which don't really do it justice.) They were just so supportive of me, it reminded me how blessed I am to work with people who really get the whole sewing obsession.

 Isn't that a pretty apron Rachael made?

Reading lounge 

Solids corner- a personal favorite as far as corners go. 

All dots. (and my chevron pinwheel quilt, the kits for which have sold out thanks to a recent Pinterest bump. Sent to Canada even!)

Can o' laminates

All the Oliver & S patterns, neatly tempting me from one place.

And right now you can see all my PR&P creations on display in the window! It's really cool to see it there in my own neighborhood when I drive by the shop all the time. I should really add "have a window display of my work" to some sort of life list or something so that I can retro-actively cross it off :)

Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!


  1. Congrats on winning! You are totally amazing. And its so rad that all of your creations are on display. SO cool!

  2. What a beautiful place to work! Lucky you! And how great to have your outfits in the window!

  3. How fun! Looks like a great place and love your display window!

  4. If I lived any closer this place would totally turn into my "Cheers" and I would be completely broke! What a amazing place to work! Your clothes look amazing in the window!

  5. Lucky you!! This is a dream job! and how cool that you have things on dispaly in the store.

  6. Thanks for sharing! The shop looks like a really pleasant place to spend your time. Lots of light, beautiful fabrics, a clean and modern vibe. Really cool! Can I come roll around in a pile of sewing patterns? You can lay down some laminated fabric under me so I don't make a mess.

  7. pure. green. jealousy...
    I am seriously pickled with envy.

    And you outfits in the window front?!
    Serious goosebumps, right!?!

  8. That shop looks so cool, what a great place to work. You must have to resist temptation a lot, so many lovely things to buy.

  9. What a great place (and part of town) to live and work in! I must say, I'm a bit jealous. Partly because you work in sun an awesome place. Partly because there is a Skyline just down the road. ;)

  10. I'm so envious of that uber-cool fabric store you have! I even called my husband over to take a look and said, "Now why can't our town have a store like that?" So glad you enjoy it, as you clearly do. And how amazing is it to see your creations in the storefront window! What a little thrill that must give you when you drive by:) Congrats!

  11. Wow, it's so beautiful. There is nothing that even comes close to that around where I live, I'm pretty jealous. And now I'm kicking myself for not ordering that quilt kit. Congratulations on your win for Project Run and Play you were pretty awesome and it was well deserved. I think I want to try a quilt but I feel like I have no idea where to start, have any suggestions?

  12. omg. we are the luckiest people ever. :)

  13. Wow, what an amazing shop!! Your handmades look perfect in the window -- CONGRATS!!

  14. i would definitely go broke working there. thanks for the tour! you are super lucky and having your PR&P creations in the window is the coolest thing ever.

  15. There's somewhere my Dad wants to take us in OH, so now I know where to pitstop when we go. This shop looks fantastic!

  16. Awww...wish I could pop in and hang with you ladies! the shop is awesome!

  17. Oh. My. Gosh. This place is heaven. I wish there were a place like this in or near San Diego, CA or Raleigh, NC!! Then again, maybe it's good that there's not because I would go broke :)

  18. The shop looks amazing! Totally jealous here...all I've got is Hobby Lobby and Joann. Boo. Lucky you :)

  19. What a fun shop. I could live there! So pretty. That is so neat that they are displaying all your looks in the window.

  20. first, i don't know why but i think google is conspiring against me. it bumped you off my reader. so i am catching up! you work in a beautiful place. i am glad i don't, i would be broke! xo


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