
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Gingercake's On the Go Organizer (Giveaway)

I hope your Thanksgiving was as great as mine. Last week was full of carefree family time and high-calorie meals. But when I woke up back at home Monday morning, I realized it was December 2nd, and I was completely unprepared for it. Damn you, late Thanksgiving! I'm not usually a person who lives my days in checklist form, but now it's time to get serious. 

At least now I have one gift checked off, thanks to Virginia of Gingercake (and a second cut out!) This is her On the Go Organizer, which might now become my go-to quick gift this year. It was so fun to pick out coordinating fabrics from my scrap pile and come up with a really polished finished product, thanks to a thorough and enjoyable pattern. I found this old piece from AMH's Innocent Crush line which is probably one of my favorite prints ever. I had just enough for the outside of my organizer.

The inside pocket is RK's Essex linen in black, same as the contrast on the outside. The lining and pockets are more little scraps. I love the way the pattern has you zig-zag stitch the pockets on. So much less bulky!

This will be a teacher gift that I'll probably fill with a couple of goodies like this. There are so many different uses for an organizer like this, and I think I'll eventually need my own since I might be the most unorganized person I know. 

It's nice and sturdy with layers of interfacing and batting in the middle, and I had to use my walking foot when it came time to put it all together. But even then, I broke my needle into three pieces while topstitching and I'm pretty unhappy with my stitch consistency. This is not because the pattern uses too many layers though... I think I'm finally realizing that it's time to upgrade my machine. I think saving up money for a Juki needs to be my big goal in the new year. It's exciting to think about purchasing my own machine, because I didn't get to pick out the two I've owned so far. They've been great to me, but I do A LOT of sewing and quilting. I need a real workhorse!

Anyway, another thing I really love about this pattern is the cute button closure. I didn't have any elastic cording, so I just used this aqua fold over elastic, which worked great. I think a long piece of leather cording wrapped around the button a few times would also be really cute.

Want to win your own copy of Gingercake's Organizer PDF pattern? Just leave a comment and your email. I'll pick a winner Friday, December 6. Also be sure to check out Gail's beautiful organizers, and look around the Gingercake pattern shop for more wonderful gift ideas.


  1. Great pattern! Thanks for a chance to win it!

  2. Wow, that three layer clutch looks like a must have pattern too!

  3. I love to make things. This pattern looks like it would be really great for an organizer.

  4. Looks like an excellent gift! I love your idea for leather cording :)

    Also, I saw that some people use hair elastics when they don't have elastic cording on hand. Maybe that will help on your next one!

    Thanks for the chance :)

  5. This looks awesome. And I love those fabric choices.

  6. Your organiser looks great! What sort of interfacing did you use?

  7. The more I see this pattern, the more I want it! I love yours!

  8. so cute...looks like a great gift for someone!

  9. Ooh I would love to win this! I have been looking for a good organizer pattern. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  10. Awesome! I was just beginning to think about teacher gifts, and this would be great. Thanks for the chance!

  11. Sooooooo cute! :)
    Hope to win the pattern :D
    Thanks for the chance!

  12. Love the fabrics you've used! (hopefulthreads(at)yahoo(dot)com) Thanks for the chance! :)

  13. Super cute! I've been wanting to make one of these for a while now.

  14. This looks like a GREAT pattern and I'm always looking for good gift ideas - thanks for sharing! I'm also planning on saving my pennies for a Juki in the new year :-)

  15. This looks great! Very handy to have, thanks.

  16. Love it and can definitely think of someone this would make a perfect gift for. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Ooo! These would make lovely gifts for my daughter's teachers!

  18. Very cute. Love your fabric choice!

  19. What a cute idea. I made a couple of (black and white) composition book covers for a church bazaar and plan to make more for gifts. I would love to have this pattern to add to my collection.

  20. What a great idea. I love giving and receiving homemade gifts.

  21. What a great-looking pattern!

  22. I have a bunch of gifts to make in the next 3 weeks. This would be perfect for my quilty friends

  23. Hi! Greetings from Costa Rica! I'd love to try this pattern for my very long gift list (and I promised myself all of them would be hand made...I don't know how I will do it while keeping my full time job!

  24. I love your version and would love to give it a try! :) Thanks for the chance to win!
    mrsrachelsbooth at gmail dot com

  25. Thanks for hosting a giveaway, Hot Mama! This is super cute!

  26. Teacher gifts!! Genious (and thanks for the reminder)

  27. That is a beautiful giveaway, and as a teacher, I guarantee that would be a very welcomed gift!

  28. I'm in love with this pattern. I would have to make one for myself first then make a whole bunch as gifts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. Always looking for a good teacher gift! This is a great idea!

  30. I love organizers, paper pad holders, etc. - anything to help get me organized. It's especially needed at this hectic time of year. Many thanks!

  31. Love this organizer pattern, your version looks fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. Oooo! What a great idea! Can totally picture using this. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win the pattern!

  33. The organizer looks great, and makes a great gift!!

  34. Oh. My. Goodness. I so need an organiser like this, and I have just the fabric for it.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  35. Looks like a great little gift, thanks for a chance to win the pattern!

  36. Would love to win this pattern. thx

  37. Wow! This would be so awesome if I won.

  38. What a great little gift!

  39. I love yours and I think I need this pattern! Awesome teacher gift.

  40. This is so adorable!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. Oh! I hope I haven't missed it! I have been so busy this week and this is such an awesome little item! great stocking stuffer!


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