
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This Week in Sewing and Spam Update.

(Disclaimer: This is one of this posts that uses almost exclusively instagram pictures with instagram filters. I used to hate it when people used those on their blogs. In fact, I used to hate the dumb faux-vintage filters all together. But then I got on IG and now I get it. Sometimes it just makes your crappy phone pics more fun to look at. I get it. I was wrong. Now I'm that blogger. Apologies all around. Proceed.)

I made this piece of improv on a complete whim the other night from some of my scraps. I think it will become a pillow. 

At work, we are starting a contest where we all pick out signature fat quarter bundles of six and see whose sells the fastest. These are my picks. They aren't up for sale yet, though I love my stack. Judging by the above pictures, I seem to be into this variation of primary colors plus black lately. I also get to make something from one of these bundles, so I have to decide on my project!

My purple HST quilt is finished and at home with our bestest friends. Real pictures to come soon.

I probably didn't make this. But I love this picture. 

Another bucket hat by request for a friend. More purple!

Last night I successfully installed my first zip fly!!! It actually works. I'm still a little blown away by this. You'll see the whole project next week.

Elsie played on a dirty manhole...

And Hendrix continued to reside in my personal space most of the time. Which I'm not exactly complaining about. 

There is another matter of business to take care of today, the whole spammer debacle. (Follow the link if you need caught up.)

A couple of you pointed out that the second comment was just another opportunity for "Melvin" to spam me, and that she/he was not actually getting all my comments in her email four times. This seems like too much high-level thought was put into a move like that. Usually they operate more along the lines of "wtf are they talking about?" But I don't doubt that this was the case here. Although, some people disagreed on this point. I do know that my following post got more spam comments than any post ever. Is it Melvin fighting back? Is it just a bunch of random spammers landing here because they saw me talk about spam? The world may never know.

Either way, it was really fun to read all your comments. They were highly entertaining. So thanks to everyone who joined in the fun!

My favorite? This one with the random Tenacious D reference. Of course, I haven't listened to "This is Just a Tribute" since maybe freshman year of college, which made this parody all the sweeter. I saw them performing on TV recently because I guess they came out with a new album... and it was sad. Shoulda just left it at the one. Anyway, as a tribute to the days when Jack Black was considered funny, The winner is S&S!!

"Dear Melvin the Magnificent,

Have you heard about the best and greatest foam that Tenacious D has for sale?? It's reported to remove shiny demons AND spammers once every hundred thousand years!! Of course, this comment is just a tribute 'cause all my anxiety caused me to forget what the best and greatest foam is. 


Scout's honor, please let me know who you really are S&S! 

Your prize? I'm going to make you a throw pillow cover! I've seen other blogger friends do this for people and it sounds really fun to me. I'm going to make this custom for you! Let me know the size form you want it for, the color fabrics, the style, everything! I can do improv for you, or stars or granny squares or something with all solids, or a funky appliqué, embroider a Tenacious D quote- whatever. So get excited S&S!


  1. *Fingers crossed that S&S picks a Tenacious D quote pillow* seriously.awesome.

  2. It's not me, but I cannot wait to see a Tenancious D-inspired pillow! <3
    Now I have This is Just a Tribute in my head...

  3. People complain about bloggers using IG pics? I love them. Keep up the good work!

  4. I had to laugh that you chose my comment.:) My kids have been on a "Tribute" kick since hearing their older (married!) cousins singing it while playing Rock Band on the Xbox when we were on vacation at the beach. They downloaded it to my iPhone so they could sing along whenever we're in the car. Though, I do cut if off before the last bit...don't need the the little girls shouting the curse words. The lyrics constantly running through my mind these days.

    I'll get back to you on size/colors/etc by email. I do think a Tenacious D quote is a must! Thanks, Jessica.

    Cindy (S & S...Siestas & Sewing)

  5. Funny fun fun stuff all around. I would totally love to go into Sewn and make a signature FQB. Only problem is I would never be able to pick just 6, but still, I'd love to try. Will we get to see all of them? And find out who wins??

  6. Yay I guessed S&S might be Cindy! Awesome! Can't wait to see what you make. :)

  7. i love everything you make and i had such a great time reading all of the comments too. so so funny!


Thanks so much for your comments-I LOVE to hear from you, so speak up! And I usually reply in email to your questions, so make sure your profile has your email.