Monday, March 15, 2010

Find me elsewhere

Started doing a little blogging over here. You can visit me there today in fact, if you'd like.

But I will leave you with this:

Happy Monday.


  1. Which one is yours, the wedding post?

  2. yeah, the wonderland wedding. and the etsy your wedding. Basically most things from here on out that are girly and designery/DIY-ish :)

    I most definitely did not take those AMAZING holga pictures!

  3. did not know nathan was a photographer! He still doing youth stuff too?

  4. he got laid off from the church last January and just decided to start this business. He's really talented and it's doing really well!


Thanks so much for your comments-I LOVE to hear from you, so speak up! And I usually reply in email to your questions, so make sure your profile has your email.