Monday, February 28, 2011

A Dress a Week

I've given myself a little goal of making one dress a week until baby girl arrives, sometime late in April. I know I will probably have TONS of time and energy to sew once I have a newborn and a two-year old here, but I figured I'd get a head start.

For my first go, I made Rae's Itty Bitty Baby Dress. Really simple pattern to follow, and of course, I love the piping around the middle. This is her first dress ever- she doesn't even own any store bought ones yet, so HA! I win.

I got the beautiful fabric from Sewn Studio down the street, who had their grand opening celebration this weekend. My mom was in town, so we got to go together and she won this book in a drawing. She's going to "share" it with me. (Translation: give it to me after she makes one bag.)

And here's a sneak peek of some AMH fabrics I got for more tiny dresses. I love it. 

(P.S. There's a new contest I might have to enter. We'll see.)


  1. that dress makes my heart happy. I am on the hunt for vintage boy patterns this week. I need to get them made before my husband realizes what I'm doing and says it looks like girl clothes:)

  2. Once again, can I be your kid?? That dress is adorable!

  3. The dress turned out beautifully! I love the fabric you chose.

  4. you know I love this. I need to make more dresses. I also need to stopping denying that I must learn how to use piping.

  5. What a lovely little dress. I loooove the fabric!

  6. That book is fantastic!! Glad your mom is going to share :)

  7. We did have afun time in Sewn Studio, you are the only person I know who loves fabric as much as I do. The dress is adorable, it makes me even more excited.


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