Friday, October 14, 2011

KCWC Day 4

Last night I made pants. I realized I've made lots of pairs of shorts from Dana's pattern, but this is the first time I actually used it for pants. I made them from an old pair of cords I've been saving for this very purpose. The best part was that I managed to cut them so that I didn't have to hem, just used the original hem. It's a really wide hem, which I thought might look too girly, but I think it's super cute on him. 

I also added knee patches from this funky waffle knit. They turned out to be slightly too far to the inside, but they will do. I had meant to add pockets, but the pants were already put together before I remembered that. Whoops. Sometimes this KCWC can really rush you thru your vision for a garment. You know, it's probably exactly what it's like to be on Project Runway :)

I couldn't resist putting another Echino piece in for a tag. Now that I think about it, I probably should have used the rest of this particular square for those knee patches. See, late night sewing really lacks that kind of clarity. 

Speaking of Project Runway, I'm hoping to muster up a PR post tomorrow, since we are nearing the end of this very lackluster season. I just can't get too excited about any of the contestants, and a lot of the goings-ons this season have been slightly more ridiculous than usual. Plus if I wait a couple of days past watching an episode, I just don't have anything to say about it. Lately, I forget to even watch it right away, if that tells you anything. So sorry to that small percentage of you out there who look forward to those posts.... am I alone in my looking forward to this season being over already? Yeesh.

Nick got off very early from work tonight unexpectedly, so no Project KCWC here tonight. I'd like to get two more things done by Monday, but even if I don't, it's been very fun and I'm so happy with what I've done. Now, it's wine and movie time.


  1. Hurrah. Very cute and the tag is once again too cute. I just finished my "project" and it's wine time here too :)

  2. So cute! Those pictures remind me of my little brother when he was little. All that hair! What a cutie!

  3. very nice! Lo v ethe tag on the inside of the pants, great idea!

  4. why do these child models of ours insist on MOVING so much? ;) cute pants. i like your PR posts! i'm rooting for anya because of her unique take and creativity, though i definitely appreciate viktor's tailoring and sophistication. looking forward to all stars, though!

  5. the pants are adorable. I definitely know what you mean about PR. The show has kind of been going down hill the past couple seasons. Hopefully PR All Stars will bring it back up.

  6. How cute! I love the little knee patches. And I do think he needs a second pair with some Echino patches. Yes, he does.


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