
Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Valentine's Sewing Compulsion

I'm sure I'm not the only one who sometimes gets that overwhelming urge to make something fairly ridiculous. This shirt was a must, a need.

Originally, I hadn't planned on making Hendrix any Valentine clothing, or maybe just doing some fun stenciling on tshirt. But then I remembered that I had a yard of this hilarious personal ads fabric that my friend Delia sent to me because she didn't know what to do with it. It was 2 days ago when I realized how perfectly destined it was to be a button down shirt for my 3 year old, and I kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner. But as short on time as I was, it still had to be done. 

I mean, is it borderline inappropriate? Maybe? I think it's in that sweet spot between hilarious and way too weird- the one I strive for :) There is nothing obscene on it, just some double entendres. And I figure there is no better time than before he learns to read, for clothing him in an outdated form of texty loneliness. (Do they even have these in papers anymore? Or is it just Craigslist now?)

The sewing is really rushed since I finished it around midnight last night. Threads hanging out, blue marks still all over it, the inside seams a bit of a mess. But I'm so happy I got it done in time for him to wear to school today. It would have been a waste after today!

The pattern is the Oliver & S Sketchbook Shirt in a size 5. He's also wearing his Oliver & S After School Pants from the Ferris Bueller Film Petit. He loves the shirt and totally thinks he such a big boy in it. That shirt is not for the faint of heart, but I enjoyed making it. It's just a lot of steps, some a little finicky, but the end result is just so great. And it's my practice for this month's Film Petit, which will need another Sketchbook shirt. (Oh no, did I totally just give away the movie?)


Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

(get more Arrested Development Valentines here. and awesome Wes Anderson ones here.)


  1. ok, when you instagrammed this i thought it might be a dress for elsie. i think i love it even more that it's a shirt for hendrix. and he seems pretty smitten with it, too!

  2. That's my kind of Valentine's apparel. Totally hilarious.

  3. That is one fab print!!!!

  4. Super cute! You are a bloody legend!

  5. This is exactly the shirt I want to make for my boys. But I have almost no garment sewing experience. Maybe some day! I love the borderline inappropriateness!

  6. This is freakin' hilarious! Inappropriate? NAH!

  7. This shirt is just too stinkin cute...It reminds me of one of those kids movies that the whole family can enjoy because there are grown-up jokes in it that go right over the kids' heads!

  8. I'm always so excited to see a post from you in my reader. This is great!

  9. Such an adorable shirt! And that Hendrix... is he a ham or what :) Too cute!

  10. You are awesome. This is fabulous! Love that you used the fabric for this! Such a great job and that Hendrix is a cutie pie.....

  11. This turned out so great! I love that he loves wearing it too. So cute!

  12. Absolutely awesome! This is the perfect Valentine's shirt for a little guy.;)

  13. Oh I love this shirt!! It's awesome, not at all inappropriate! And, you can tell he totally loves it, which is all that really matters!!!

  14. Whaaaaat. You are too awesome. love it!

  15. Aaaah! How perfect! I admit to suddenly wanting to sew hearts like 2 days before Valentines. Why didn't the urge come sooner? But... I didn't. Thereby confirming your awesomeness - you did!

  16. Seriously. Seriously. You crack me up. And he is the cutest.

  17. Bahhah I remember one of you showing off this fabric. So funny. So bad it's good! ahah. The shirt is great!


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